Friday, November 21, 2008

Heart Attack!

I almost had one today at 2pm when I went to check on the Maddy and Zoe. Miss Zoe flipped herself over, and stuck her hand between the wall and crib. First of all, I checked if she was still breathing! Then I tried to move her arm, which she moved back a second later between the wall and crib. Hopefully she doesn't wake up too spooked.

1 comment:

Christy, Gray, John, Heath & Annabel said...

that's great though! when John first rolled over I thought "phew" because I was so worried about SIDS - I felt like he was strong enough that I didn't need to be concerned about that anymore - being a new mom is all about being scared!! the second time around is not nearly as scary, but its exhausting chasing a toddler and not sleeping much! Its freezing here - do you have snow now? Phil does in Rochester. Christy