Thursday, August 28, 2008

Oh the Joy

Such joy in having a diaper changed, Miss Maddy grinning big now that she's dry.


Who says guys can't multitask?!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

1, 2, 3 stretch!

Maddy does a LOT of stretching in the morning, I'll have to try and capture her on video next time - - hahahaha!

Heads Up

We have been doing a lot of tummy time these days, here is Missy Maddy showing off her progress (seconds later toppling over to the right from the weight of her noggin).

9 & 8.5 for team McCarthy!

We're a Olympic watching family, the girls have made numbers of their own this week . . . weighing in at 9.1 oz Zoe McCarthy (to the right), and not far behind Maddy McCarthy 8.6 0z of Fayetteville, NY - USA! Go team McCarthy!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Over the shoulder

Zoe riding around the house over the shoulder in the morning with Mom, and in the afternoon with Dad :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hand full

Grandma Midge had her hands full last weekend cuddling the girls, they gave her lots of smiles and giggles.

We LOVE Claire

This summer we have been lucky enough to have Claire (Jim's cousins daughter) as our helper. She loves the girls so much. She cuddles, sings, and plays with them a few hours a week giving Mommy a much needed break and help. We're really going to miss Claire when she heads off to college end of this summer!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Here we are getting ready to roll around the neighborhood wearing grandma Zaba's adorable sun hats - so cute!

Psssssssst . . . I can see you!

Our morning routine is the same each day, eat, change, and get ready to go for a walk. I was getting my sneakers on and I heard a big squeal from Zoe (on the left), apparently she got excited and realized there was another baby next her. Most of the time they don't acknowledge each other. From what I have ready that does not come until month 6 . . . we've go plenty of time. She's so advanced . . hahahahahaha!

Double hanging

We spent another weekend up in Old Forge, this summer has been so odd with weather. It rained most of the time, and was chilly. I am NOT ready for the Fall, I want a couple more nice sunny summer days - please! This is us with both the girls now in slings getting ready for a walk between rain showers.


A bit blurry, but I did my best to try and catch Maddy smiling. Each day they giggle and smile a little more!

Maddy bath time

Well here is a picture of our little love Maddy all happy during bath time, and 2 minutes later . . . not so much. Apparently she does not like to get out of the bath these days.