Monday, November 24, 2008

Snow Bears

Our first walk outside after a snowfall. The girls where super aware the whole time with cute rosey cheeks.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Heart Attack!

I almost had one today at 2pm when I went to check on the Maddy and Zoe. Miss Zoe flipped herself over, and stuck her hand between the wall and crib. First of all, I checked if she was still breathing! Then I tried to move her arm, which she moved back a second later between the wall and crib. Hopefully she doesn't wake up too spooked.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sunday Night Dinner

The girls ate at the "big table" last night for the first time - Thanksgiving should be interesting . . . hmmm

mmm . . . toes!

Zoe has gotten quite good at grabbing her toes, she almost can get them in her mouth - not yet, but close.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Command Central

The girls in their exersaucers early this morning.


Maddy is on her way to mastering the sippy cup . . . we've got lots of time :)

Big Time

As our friend Katie likes to say "it's the big time". The girls are now in high chairs while we feed them solids. It's going pretty well, some days I get a glimpse of what they will look like older - yikes!

Monkeyin' Around

The girls playing with monkeys in the morning - don't we all?