Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Winter Walking

Santa brought us the best jogging stroller, it makes it a pleasure to walk outside in these winter months. It was gorgeous out this morning, soft snow falling . . . the girls where all eyes the whole walk.

Up we go!

The girls love to hold onto things and stand these days. This morning it was the crib while I got them ready to go outside. The trouble is they don't know how to get down yet.

Sledding with Grandma

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Here We Come

Zoe is leading the way, she's almost crawling forward. Maddy is not quite sold on the idea of crawling . . . why put so much effort into moving around when you know your parents will pick you up.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sitting Up

The girls like to mostly sit now, verses lay around in bed playing in the morning. I can hardly believe how fast this happened!

Tubby Time

It's the new year, which means lots of good new changes. The girls are getting too big for the sink tub, so we tried the big tub up at camp. It was a hit, lots and lots of splashing and very tired babies that slept through that night without a peep.

Jump Around

Babcia and Dziadzi (my folks) recently got the girls a jumping swing that attaches to door frames. It's quickly become Zoe's favorite activity of the day.