Monday, March 29, 2010


I don't even know where to begin on this post. The girls are really into wearing their swim suits these days, they really wanted to wear the googles Jim and I use for swimming . . . so I put them on. This is basically how Jim got greeted at the door when he got home, later is when this series of pics where taken by Jim. They where playing around in the bathroom, I still can't stop from laughing out loud, especially at the picture with Maddy and her Jazz hands, take notice of her slippers too . . . for added value. The one of them looking up, cracks me up too - weird, but funny.


Our local HomeDepot had these genius carts. It was so fun to watch the girls "drive" around the store.


I have a lot of help in the morning making breakfast. Unfortunately, the help seems to be thin when it comes time to clean up!

Mimi Mimi Mimi

Our cousin Mimi was recently competing locally, Jim took the girls out to the hill to cheer her on. We hear a LOT about Mimi and her ski's these days.

Story Time

The girls discovered the umbrellas in the mudroom, story time is fun under umbrellas.

Post Shower

Everyone likes to get all warm and toasty after the shower. Yo Gabba Gabba comes on prior to bedtime, which leads to a lot of naked dancing and jumping on the bed (minus Jim) - LOL.

Shower Buddies

The girls love to hang-out in the shower in the evening. It seems to have replaced the "tubbie". Jim and I love watching them both back up into the water stream and just hang-out. Or they like to make soup, or cook eggs with all their cooking gear in the shower.